The title of this blog comes from a poem by Grace Nichols, Praise Song for my Mother. The poet explores ideas about love, relationships, and most importantly, identity. I have chosen it because I hope that my readers will use their writing to help follow that good advice.

Monday 16 July 2012

Rebirth - from a word-hoard

Beyond the shore I stand, in menacing waves beneath a murky sky. The depraved watery sound helps me to touch solitude and the tentacles of the water draw me in.  I think how deceptively inviting the water looks.  My history pulls me.

This sounds so depressing, and it was not how I felt as I undertook the exercise - though I think it could make an interesting opening to a story. My initial theme was rebirth, and my word-hoard included menacing, history, tentacles, depraved, solitude, beyond, deceptively - and the one that I couldn't get in...'magician'.  The questions were difficult to answer with those words, but I'm pleased with the idea of water having 'tentacles' and I feel that I have certainly created a particular (quite dark) mood and atmosphere that could have some use if I were to develop the piece.  The idea that the character's history is pulling her towards the water also starts to suggest some narrative ideas to me.  Something to come back to in the future, perhaps.

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