The title of this blog comes from a poem by Grace Nichols, Praise Song for my Mother. The poet explores ideas about love, relationships, and most importantly, identity. I have chosen it because I hope that my readers will use their writing to help follow that good advice.

Friday 24 May 2013

Blog Jog

We have now finished reading to the end of Part 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird and you will have formed your own ideas about the book: the characters, the themes and the style.  It is now time to pause, maintain and develop your blog and get some good connections going.  This fantastic resource will only yield results if you put in time to make it work.

Your next blog post is entirely of your own choosing, but must respond to Part 1 of the novel in some way.  It could be a piece of creative writing (with the link explained), a series of revision questions of your own devising, a more developed write-up of one of your class activities.  (What about using an animation programme for Mrs Dubose?)  Be creative.

I would also like you to share a link to a good resource that you have found to support your study of To Kill A Mockingbird.  Again, the choice about what to include is entirely up to you.  Perhaps there is another blog you have found with really good ideas, a contextual resource, a study guide.

Finally, I would like you to undertake a bit of a 'blog-jog' around the class.  Go and comment on three blogs that you have not looked at before.

Friday 17 May 2013

It's A Sin To Kill A Mockingbird

We have now read to the end of Chapter 11 and completed a wide variety of tasks and challenges designed to further your understanding of the novel's characters, themes, structure and style.  I would like you to choose one of our recent undertakings to develop and share as a blog post.  Choose from the following:

  • Scan or photograph your Chapter 8 sketch with some explanatory notes
  • Draft your creative writing about an early childhood memory 
  • Develop your analysis of your chosen exam extract from Chapters 9 or 10

  • Consider the children's changing perceptions of their father in Chapter 10.  Write about a time when you started to see a parent in a different light, or create a short story with this theme.

Friday 3 May 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird

Now that we have read the first six chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird, as well as exploring some of the context of the novel, you should have begun to form some opinions about the characters, the story and the style.

I would like to get some discussion going via our blogs.  For your next blog post, I would like you to write a little bit about the opening chapters of the book.  Tell us a little about what happens, what you like about the writer's style, how you feel about events so far, how you respond to Scout and Jem and Dill, what kind of a character Atticus is, what kind of a society Maycomb seems to be; anything else you can think of; it can be a very personal response.

I would also like you to comment on at least two other blogs from the group, so you'll need to start following each other again. If you decide to set up a new blog for this project, please comment below with a link so that I can find you!