The title of this blog comes from a poem by Grace Nichols, Praise Song for my Mother. The poet explores ideas about love, relationships, and most importantly, identity. I have chosen it because I hope that my readers will use their writing to help follow that good advice.

Friday 3 May 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird

Now that we have read the first six chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird, as well as exploring some of the context of the novel, you should have begun to form some opinions about the characters, the story and the style.

I would like to get some discussion going via our blogs.  For your next blog post, I would like you to write a little bit about the opening chapters of the book.  Tell us a little about what happens, what you like about the writer's style, how you feel about events so far, how you respond to Scout and Jem and Dill, what kind of a character Atticus is, what kind of a society Maycomb seems to be; anything else you can think of; it can be a very personal response.

I would also like you to comment on at least two other blogs from the group, so you'll need to start following each other again. If you decide to set up a new blog for this project, please comment below with a link so that I can find you!


  1. I haven't been able to access my blog so I've created a new one

  2. i had to do the work in a word document as my new blog wasn't working correctly (i think many people also had this problem)

    1. i fixed my new blog and posted the work there :) here's the link:

