The title of this blog comes from a poem by Grace Nichols, Praise Song for my Mother. The poet explores ideas about love, relationships, and most importantly, identity. I have chosen it because I hope that my readers will use their writing to help follow that good advice.

Friday 17 May 2013

It's A Sin To Kill A Mockingbird

We have now read to the end of Chapter 11 and completed a wide variety of tasks and challenges designed to further your understanding of the novel's characters, themes, structure and style.  I would like you to choose one of our recent undertakings to develop and share as a blog post.  Choose from the following:

  • Scan or photograph your Chapter 8 sketch with some explanatory notes
  • Draft your creative writing about an early childhood memory 
  • Develop your analysis of your chosen exam extract from Chapters 9 or 10

  • Consider the children's changing perceptions of their father in Chapter 10.  Write about a time when you started to see a parent in a different light, or create a short story with this theme.

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